Pre-production has started; just so you know, like. We’ve got a busy few months ahead
Pre-production has started; just so you know, like. We’ve got a busy few months ahead
Two tickets are up for grabs to the Geoff Farina & Chris Brokaw show I’m playing at Bardens Boudoir, London on the 18th March. The winner and their guest will not only get a ticket to the show but also a free Wolf Choir t-shirt each, some badges, Former Utopia 7″ and a copy of the new Geoff Farina & Chris Brokaw album “The Angel’s Message To Me”
To enter all you need to do is promote the show anyway you can, and if you hire people for this, getting paystubs for independent contractors is important. Simple. You can do as much or as little as you like – post on forums you frequent; or download this flier and hand it out at shows; maybe hit up your social networking sites (twitter, facebook, myspace, youtube etc) – get inventive and get the word out.
Once you’re done send in your proof (links, screen grabs, pics etc) to russ [at] russellandthewolfchoir [dot] com with “Competition” in the subject line.
Entry closes March 14th and the winner will chosen at random and contacted on the 15th.
Good luck,
On the way are wolf choir t-shirts! We have 2 designs; “If Trees Could Talk” on delicious Dark Chocolate and “Tethered Flight” on hot out of the fire Charcoal. These lovely 3 colour print shirts were designed by my good buddy, the lovely Mark Gamble (he also sings acoustic lullabies under the name of a gun rack?), and are limited to 50 each printed on Gildan Soft Style tees.
In celebration the pre-orders shall be for the low price of £5.50 and if you love both designs we’ll sell them for £10 – cool, eh?
To get your hands on these hit up the wolf choir shop and select your desired size.
Sizes are strictly limited to first come first served and the pre-order price shall end on the 28th February. We hope to begin sending these out the first week of March and will chuck in a demo and some badges.
If you’re in the buying mood and like good music a few of my friends bands have releases out. Dem Hunger has a release coming out on Leaving Records if you like that scratchy vibe and Viva Sleep celebrate their first release on Walnut Tree Records if you like that post-rock trip.
Apologies for my recent stint of quietness. Christmas and work commitments have kept me at bay for a while as I slowly adjusted with the rest of the UK to the recent snow and cold weather which covered our tiny little island. I’ve been “Tweeting” various boring facts of the day, normally the cleanliness of places, on Twitter (want to follow me?). Sporadic spurts of writing continue and I’m hoping to have some form of packaged collection of songs for your listening pleasure soon – the finer details of what and how this will be released are yet to be decided but I’m hoping for it to be limited and personal; we’ll see.
March 18th marks a very special day; Geoff Farina (Secret Stars/ Karate/ Glorytellers) shall be hitting the UK for the first time in 8ish years to play a special set with Chris Brokaw. I’m thrilled to announce I’m supporting on the first date, and album release party, for this tour at Barden’s Boudoir, Dalston. Tickets are £8 advanced and are already selling fast. If you miss out on tickets there’s a second London date for March 26th at the Luminaire, Kilburn where Former Utopia will be support.
Tickets for the 18th can be purchased from these fine ticket retailers:
More info on the show and special saver passes can be located on the Damnably website.